Conferences "Picasso. Chefs-d'oeuvre !"
Inaugural Conference "Picasso. Masterpieces !"
Tuesday 11 September 2018
Joined by : Emilie Bouvard, curator at Musée national Picasso-Paris Coline Zellal, curator at Musée national Picasso-Paris.
Conference "Picasso/Apollinaire"
Tuesday 4 December 2018
Speaker : Laurence Campa, biographer et publisher of Apollinaire, professor at l'Université de Paris Nanterre, writer.
This conference is part of the commemoration of the centenary of Guillaume Apollinaire's death.
Screening of the documentary "Le trait ininterrompu" by Numa Vilató
Tuesday 13 November 2018
Followed by a conference about etchings lead by Johan Popelard, curator at Musée national Picasso-Paris Numa Vilató, director Yann Viala, head of the production studio Kaleïdo Scope, producer Xavier Vilató, artist.
This documentary evokes the passionate transmission of knowmedge in the craft of print-making which connects several generations of artists and artisans. Numa Vilattó is singular in his approach to this topic as he explores the story of his own family and reveals it to viewers. He narrates a uniquley intimate story.
Conference "Restoring the masterpiece"
Tuesday 16 October 2018
Speaker : Reyes Jimenez-Garnica, conservator-restorer at musée Picasso of Barcelona Emilia Philippot, curator at Musée national Picasso-Paris.
This conference will present the restoration of the works Les Femmes à leur Toilette, conserved at the Musée national Picasso-Paris and Science et Charité conserved at Museu Picasso de Barcelone.