Visites scolaires
Visites scolaires

School groups

Opening date and time for reservations: Friday, December 20 at 12 noon for visits scheduled from January 21 to June 27, 2025.

* For all afternoon activities (except the 1:30 PM lecture tour), classes are divided into two groups if possible. These activities take place when the museum is open to the general public, in the presence of individual visitors and adult groups. As a result, two teachers are in charge of the 2:00 PM and 2:30 PM self-guided tours.


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Return the confirmation coupon once completed and signed by your school administration, within 15 days* 

Attention : Ce dispositif d’accueil privilégié pour les groupes scolaires est réservé aux établissements publics et privés de l’Éducation Nationale. Seuls les enseignants (et non des tiers) peuvent réserver ces créneaux de visite.

* Aucun coupon ne sera accepté s’il n’est pas dûment complété directement par l’établissement scolaire. Sans retour de ce coupon complété dans les 15 jours suivant votre demande sur Internet, cette dernière sera automatiquement annulée.

Please note that school group visits are conducted under the supervision of a group leader (teacher or principal supervisor), who is responsible for ensuring that all rules are respected and that group discipline is observed. Group visitors must not disturb other visitors under any circumstances.

Réglement de visite

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Self-guided tour

Teachers can also choose to lead their own self-guided tour. Dedicated afternoon slots are available from Tuesday to Friday.

Guided tour of La Collection 

Discovery tour
Levels: Kindergarten to 12th grade
Duration: 1h15

Who was Picasso? What kinds of works did he create? How does his work fit into the history of modern art? These and many other age-appropriate questions will be at the center of our discovery tour of the museum. Without attempting to see all the works on display, classes are invited to observe and question selected works, in connection with current events at the museum.

The artist's craft
Levels: Kindergarten to 12th grade
Duration: 1h15

The museum's collections reflect the full range of plastic and technical experimentation undertaken by Picasso throughout his career. By turns painter, sculptor, ceramist and engraver, Picasso freely appropriated and reinvented traditional creative methods. Visits to this theme enable students to explore the many dimensions of the artist's craft, and grasp the diversity and innovative nature of Picasso's techniques.

Portraying the world
Levels: Kindergarten to 12th grade
Duration: 1h15

The 20th century, the age of the avant-gardes, saw art break free from a strict representation of the world. Throughout his career, Picasso experimented with different ways of representing reality, of which cubism is just one expression. Visits to this theme give students the opportunity to mobilize a vocabulary specific to plastic analysis (line, color, form, etc.) and to question the formal issues in Picasso's work.

Picasso in his time
Levels: 10th to 12th grade
Duration: 1h15

Born in 1881 and deceased in 1973, Picasso lived through some of the events that marked the 20th century. He was a witness, and sometimes a player in this history. This tour explores the works in Picasso's collection, addressing this context as well as the artist's political commitment.



Color and line
Levels: Kindergarten to 2nd grade
Duration: 2 hours

In painting, the line is generally used to outline a shape, which is then filled in with color. At the end of the 1920s, Picasso challenged the rules of painting and made a major separation: in his compositions, lines and colors are dissociated and become autonomous elements. After visiting the works of art, children move on to practice in the Atelier, where they in turn attempt to compose by separating color and line.

Mettre en relief
Levels: 3rd to 10th grade
Duration: 2 hours

Pablo Picasso was not only a painter, but throughout his career as an artist, he also experimented with and invented new art forms. Without regard to value, he used clay, plaster, wood, ceramics and metals, as well as all kinds of recycled materials, which he diverted, glued, accumulated and assembled. Come and discover his hybrid works, halfway between painting and sculpture. After discovering the works in the collections, participants are invited to take action: they can play with shapes and give free rein to their imagination by combining various materials to create their own relief painting, playing with volumes and textures.


Niveaux : Collège et Lycée uniquement
Durée : 1h15
Cette visite permet de découvrir la première exposition consacrée en France à l’Art dit « dégénéré ». Cette notion infamante était utilisée par le régime nazi pour désigner les productions d’artistes modernes dont les œuvres furent retirées des musées, vendues, voire détruites, en raison de leur prétendue dangerosité pour la « pureté » allemande. L’exposition du Musée national Picasso-Paris reconstitue l’histoire de ces œuvres, le contexte idéologique, les logiques commerciales et les mécaniques administratives de la campagne contre « l’art dégénéré ».