Full price : 14 euros
Reduced price : 11 euros
Special Family Price : Reduced price for 1 to 2 adults accompanying a child
Free for members
About the

Faith Ringgold is a major figure in American feminist art, from the civil rights struggles to those of Black Lives Matter, and the author of some very famous works in children’s literature. Her work links the rich heritage of the Harlem Renaissance to the current art of young black American artists. Through her rereadings of modern art history, she engages in a genuine plastic and critical dialogue with the Parisian art scene of the early 20th century, particularly with Picasso and his "Demoiselles d’Avignon". This exhibition is the fi rst to bring together, in France, a group of major works by Faith Ringgold. It extends the retrospective devoted to her by the New Museum in early 2022 and is organized in collaboration with this New York institution.
oeuvres sélectionées

Cécile Debray , President of the Musée national Picasso-Paris
A propos du catalogue
En savoir plus
Faith Ringgold, dans EXPOD, le podcast des expositions, présenté par Annie Yacob
Découvrez ou re-découvrez l'artiste engagée Faith Ringgold, à travers le podcast réalisé par Annie Yacob, historienne de l'art.
A travers EXPOD, le podcast des expositions, renouvelez votre regard sur l'artiste et sur l'exposition !

Dossier documentaire - exposition "Faith Ringgold. Black is beautiful"
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