Image rights
The works of Pablo Picasso and images depicting his works are intellectual property benefiting from copyright protection and, in particular, from the provisions of Articles L.112-1 and L.122-1 et seq. of the French intellectual property code.
Any use (reproduction, representation) of the works of Pablo Picasso and of images depicting them is subject to strict conditions.
Reproducing images of works from the Musée national Picasso-Paris:
Who should I contact to obtain the image files?
The images of works by Pablo Picasso preserved by the Musée national Picaso-Paris, are photographic works created and/or managed by Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais (RMN-GP), the coordinating organisation for France’s national museums.
If you wish to use these images, you will need to submit a formal request to obtain the image file, specifying the titles of the works concerned, their envisaged use, scope of use, duration of use and geographical scope, as well as their distribution medium.
The request must be submitted as follows:
For any non-commercial use of images of works by Pablo Picasso (for educational purposes, for example), your request for visuals must be sent to
For any commercial or non-commercial use of images of works by Pablo Picasso or documents from his personal archive, your request must be sent to
(responsible for deciding on the request, and where applicable sending you the permission to obtain the image file from the RMN-GP photographic agency, the caption and corresponding credits)
Who should I contact to obtain permission to reproduce works?
To reproduce and/or depict works by Pablo Picasso, you will need the prior written consent of the Picasso Administration, the company representing the artist’s rights holders.
Picasso Administration 8 rue Volney
75002 Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 03 69 65
Picasso Administration manages, collects, distributes and controls the rights attached to the work of Pablo Picasso. This company, which acts on behalf of the Picasso estate (Succession Picasso), has sole authority to authorise or prohibit the use of the works, name and image of Pablo Picasso, and to for all administrative procedures (drafting contracts, press proofs, invoicing).
The conditions listed below apply to images of works by Pablo Picasso and to images of Picasso himself, his signature or the name ‘Picasso’.
All commercial or non-commercial use must receive express prior permission from the Picasso Administration and the corresponding fees must be paid where applicable.
The terms and conditions for reproducing the works of Pablo Picasso are as follows:
The works must be reproduced as faithfully to the original as possible, and no colour changes are permitted. For any full reproduction of the work: any cropping of details or reframing, text overprints, logos or features of Picasso’s work is prohibited. For any reproduction of a detail from the work (to mean a genuine detail, rather than a reframing): such reproduction is permitted provided the entire work is itself reproduced inside the document, with the caption referring to it. The reproduced work must always be accompanied by its caption and by the copyright notice ‘© Succession Picasso 202.. (year of print date)’.
The press are reminded that reproductions of the works of Pablo Picasso are not free of rights. For further information, please contact
Picasso Administration
8 rue Volney
75002 Paris.
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 03 69 70